21 Oct 24

Free webinar for students and families – Navigating Work after School

As a senior student, are you thinking about your career after school? Is your child nearing the end of high school and thinking employment? You or your child may have a job in mind or still be considering the options available to you. It can be difficult to know where to start, which is why The Smith Family is hosting a free webinar on the topic.

Come along and learn how to:

  • Find opportunities like apprenticeships and traineeships
  • Prepare and apply for jobs
  • Build your career skills
  • And much more!

The webinar will be a fun, one-hour session where you can ask questions and receive practical advice from professionals on how to prepare for and find employment after school.

Wednesday 30 October, 6pm AEDT (5.30pm Adelaide time). Although the content is best directed at students in Years 10 to 12, all students are welcome to participate. Those who are unable to attend will still receive a recording of the event and associated resources if they register.

Click here to register for the Your Future, Your Path: Navigating Work After School webinar.