Principal Warren Symonds gave a talk at the Year 7-12 assembly on Wednesday. Watch the video below:
In his welcome letter to families, the following information was given about communication at REC:
At the start of a school year you may receive lots of information from various sources, which can seem overwhelming. Below is a summary of the different methods of keeping up to date about the College and your child’s schooling.
Email is our primary method of communication, particularly for whole school events and important information.
Seqta enables you to communicate with teachers of students in Years 7-12.
Seesaw enables you to communicate with your child’s primary school teachers.
Our College website has just about everything you need to know about REC, including events, uniform, college life and
Our website newsfeed is our version of a school newsletter. Stories are published here and on Fridays we’ll send you an
Please do not ask questions via social media comments or messages as they are not regularly monitored. Instead, contact teachers via Seqta or Seesaw, or for general College enquiries email [email protected] or call 8329 2300.