07 Feb 24

R-12 Acquaintance Evening: Tuesday 13 February

Families are invited to attend next Tuesday’s R-12 Acquaintance Evening.

You will have opportunity to meet homegroup and class teachers, house support and senior leadership teams, as well as discover our learning environments.

  • For students in Years R-7 there will be a short presentation by their class/homegroup teachers, followed by a Q&A session.
  • Years 8-10 house leaders will provide information about the house system we have in place to support our students’ pastoral care and academic needs
  • For students in Years 11 and 12, learn how to support your student for SACE success and post-school pathways

A schedule for the evening can be found below:

Please note this is not a parent/teacher interview night, but there will be one later in Term 1 and more information will be provided then.

We look forward to meeting you and your family.