09 Dec 24

Remembrance Day project

Mrs Hesling’s Reception class participated in a Remembrance Day project with local retirement village Living Choice. This involved 2 Friday mornings, with a long walk to the village and participating in Remembrance Day themed crafts with some of the residents.

The highlight was making poppy jet fighter paper planes and flying them around their auditorium! Thanks to resident Carl, the chief engineer, who designed and helped the students make their paper planes.

These visits culminated with our class attending the village’s Remembrance Day Service. We sang 2 songs to around 180 residents who were thrilled with our involvement!

Last Friday the villagers came and spent the morning with our class. We made paper planes and flew them on the oval. We also showed them our books we made on our iPad about Remembrance Day. Everyone had a fabulous time!

This was truly a memorable project for our students, the parent helpers and the village residents (they’re still talking about how wonderful our students were!)