In preparation for Take 2 of our big day on Friday, here are a few reminders:
by 8.40am Students report to class or home group, roll taken and photo wrist bands applied. Parents head straight to oval for the Team Entrance Parade
9-9.30am Team Parade and Opening Ceremony
9:40am-2.45pm Events
2.45-3.00pm Closing Ceremony
3.00pm Dismissal
Weather forecast
The forecast is predicted at 26°C for Friday. Please ensure your child wears appropriate sun smart attire, applies sunscreen before and during the day and drinks plenty of water. The SA Water Quench Bench will be available to refill your bottle.
What to wear
Plenty of food and drinks will be available for purchase with coupons, not cash. Coupons available to purchase from the Finance Tent on the oval. We ask that families support these stalls and our fundraising endeavours; strictly no commercial takeaway foods are to be brought or delivered to the College. Any unused coupons can be redeemed at the Finance Office after the event between Monday 18 and Thursday 28 March.
Timetables & Map
All the information you need can be found in the Sports Day FAQs here, including:
Map of the event can be found here and from the Service Tent
Primary program (3-6) here
Junior Primary program (P-2) here
Secondary program here
Cake donations
Cake donations (bought or homemade) will be gratefully received on the day at the cake stall. If you choose to make treats, please keep them nut-free, follow safe food handling practices and include a list of ingredients.
We look forward to sharing the spirit of the day with you all on Friday
Go Florey! … Go Bates! … Go Mawson! … Go Spence! … Go Rigney!