29 May 24

FOCUS Program

We continued our partnership with the Australian Business & Community Network last term with a group of students invited to participate in the FOCUS program. In a series of 3 workshops, FOCUS explored the following areas:

  • introduction to leadership
  • realising strengths and developing leadership habits
  • learning how I can be a leader

Each workshop was led by professional mentors from the company called Accenture. Mentors shared their own career pathways and experiences of being a young leader in their area of expertise.

Student comments on their learning/involvement:

Hearing from my mentor about personal experiences were very helpful for understanding and encouraged a more comfortable environment.

My mentor shared her failures and successes and that helped me and my group to understand how to overcome challenges in life and within the workplace.

I learnt to be brave, do what you want and don’t be scared for trying something or doing something, trust your instincts.

The most useful thing I learnt during this program is that leaders are all different and have different strengths and weaknesses and that failure is not negative and is actually a new opportunity.

Some outcomes of the workshops:

Rating Area  Before Focus After Focus
I see where I am a leader in my life 41% 100%
I have confidence in my leadership potential 35% 88%
I am aware of my strengths that can make me a good leader 41% 100%
I understand the importance of failure in my development 41% 94%

Alanah Cathro – Student Pathways