In the Term 3 holidays, our dedicated teachers Rubi Madeley, Alice Goodall, Justin Schultz and Jeff Glass embarked on a captivating journey to the Land of the Rising Sun – Japan! With 28 eager students in tow, they explored the vibrant metropolis of Tokyo, the historic allure of Osaka, the poignant history of Hiroshima, the cultural richness of Nara and the timeless beauty of Kyoto.
From navigating the bustling streets of Tokyo to exploring serene temples in Kyoto, we learned about the profound history and rich traditions of Japan, deepening our appreciation for this remarkable nation.
We’re grateful for the meticulous planning and dedication put into this trip by Rubi Madeley, who ensured that every moment was an educational and unforgettable experience. Through these extraordinary journeys we can broaden our students’ horizons, and we eagerly anticipate many more overseas adventures in the future.
Japan has left an indelible mark on their hearts, and we can’t wait to continue these global explorations to inspire and educate our students.