Now that students have settled into the school year, this is a timely reminder about road safety around our College. We all have an important role to play to ensure children and members of our College community are kept safe.
Some concerning behaviours have been reported in recent weeks, including:
- Using the parking bays to turn left from Malbeck Dr onto Reynell Rd when traffic is banked up
- At the same intersection, driving through red lights at the pedestrian crossing when turning left on Reynell Rd
- Parking in the Kiss and Drop Zones and leaving to collect children from class
- Double parking in Kiss and Drop Zones
- Parking across driveways
- Parking in the no parking zones in surrounding streets such as Wild Ave and Stoneyhill St
Kiss and Drop Zones are in place to provide parents, carers and students with a safe environment at drop off and collection times. These zones do not allow for cars to be stationary any longer than 2 minutes which should ensure a free flow of traffic; the driver should remain with their vehicle.
There are three Kiss and Drop Zones (please see the map here)
- Zone 1 – (Malbeck Drive, North of the Koala Crossing). This could be used by families with students in the early years. This will allow younger children a direct route from the kerb to the primary area and vice versa.
- Zone 2 – (Malbeck Drive, South of the Koala Crossing). This Zone is the longest. Students can walk along Hewlett Packard Street down to Gate 5 or Gate 6 and vice versa or they could walk to the main gate.
- Zone 3 – (Hewlett Packard St). Students can enter the school grounds and safely walk to their classrooms via the paths from Gate 5 or Gate 6 to their classrooms and the reverse at pick up.
Reminders – Kiss and Drop Zones:
- Follow the rules of ‘P2 Parking’ signs and stick to the time limits
- If you are the first driver in line, please pull up to the start of the pickup line, enabling others to draw in behind your vehicle
- Drop off or pick up your child close to the top of the zone, allowing vehicles following you to enter the zone in an orderly manner
- Don’t cut into the queue
- Keep an eye out for children crossing the road when exiting the Kiss and Drop Zone
- Be courteous. If your child is not ready for collection within 2 minutes, you must leave the Kiss and Drop Zone and re-enter. This will allow the traffic to continue to flow and congestion will be minimised.
How can you help?
- Teach your child/ren to wait on the footpath in the Kiss and Drop areas and enter the vehicle promptly when the vehicle stops
- Talk to your child/ren about what to do if you are not there (you may have had to leave the zone and go around the block)
- Children take notice of what you do, so please set a good example by obeying parking signs and restrictions around the school
- Consider the safety of other children as well as your own; we want everyone to arrive and leave safely each and every day
- Give way to a car or two trying to enter Malbeck Drive from Hewlett Packard Street
- Teach your child/ren where and how to safely cross the road.
Council Officers do conduct regular patrols around schools and may issue expiation notices to vehicles illegally parked.
This resource from Marion Council has some information about traffic rules around schools: click here.
We thank you for your ongoing commitment to road safety for everyone around our College.